
The Shifting Landscape of Clinical Research Organisations

The Shifting Landscape of Clinical Research Organisations: Moving Away from Full-Service Offerings Towards Functional Service Providers and Strategic Consulting

In the ever-evolving world of clinical trials, Clinical Research Organisations (CROs) are undergoing a significant transformation. For decades, the traditional full-service model was the gold standard for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies seeking to outsource their clinical trial needs. However, recent trends indicate a growing preference for Functional Service Providers (FSPs) and strategic consulting partnerships over the conventional full-service CRO model. This shift marks a new era in the clinical research industry, driven by the demand for more specialised, flexible, and cost-effective solutions.

The Traditional Full-Service CRO Model

Full-service CROs have long offered a comprehensive suite of services encompassing every aspect of clinical trial management. From protocol design and site selection to patient recruitment, data management, and regulatory affairs, full-service CROs provided a one-stop shop for sponsors looking to outsource the complexities of clinical research. The benefits of this model were clear: seamless integration of services, a single point of contact, and a streamlined approach that often led to faster trial timelines and reduced administrative burdens for sponsors.

However, the traditional full-service model also had its limitations. Sponsors often faced challenges related to lack of flexibility, high costs, and limited control over specific trial functions. As the clinical trial landscape became more complex, with an increasing number of specialised therapeutic areas and the advent of new technologies, the need for more tailored and adaptive solutions became evident.

The Rise of Functional Service Providers (FSPs)

In response to these challenges, many CROs began to offer FSP models as an alternative to full-service offerings. The FSP model allows sponsors to outsource specific functions of a clinical trial, such as data management, biostatistics, or clinical monitoring, to a specialised provider. This approach offers several advantages:

  1. Flexibility: Sponsors can choose to outsource only the functions that require external expertise or additional resources, allowing them to maintain control over the overall trial strategy.
  2. Cost Efficiency: By outsourcing specific functions rather than the entire trial, sponsors can reduce costs and allocate resources more effectively.
  3. Specialisation: FSPs often focus on specific areas of clinical research, bringing deep expertise and knowledge that may not be available within a full-service CRO.

According to a recent report by Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD), the FSP model has gained significant traction in recent years, with nearly 60% of sponsors indicating a preference for FSPs over full-service models for their clinical trial needs . This shift is particularly evident in therapeutic areas requiring specialised knowledge, such as oncology, rare diseases, and gene therapy.

 Strategic Consulting: A Growing Trend

Another trend that has emerged alongside the rise of FSPs is the increasing demand for strategic consulting services. As clinical trials become more complex and global, sponsors are seeking CRO partners who can provide not only operational support but also strategic insights. Strategic consulting services typically include:

- Regulatory Strategy: Navigating the regulatory landscape is a critical aspect of any clinical trial. CROs offering strategic consulting can provide expertise in regulatory affairs, helping sponsors to design trials that meet regulatory requirements while maximising the chances of approval.

- Trial Design Optimisation: Strategic consultants can help sponsors optimise trial design, including selecting the right endpoints, patient populations, and trial sites to improve the chances of success.

- Market Access and Commercialisation: Beyond trial execution, strategic consulting services can also extend to market access and commercialisation strategies, helping sponsors to position their products for success post-approval.

The shift towards strategic consulting reflects a broader trend in the industry where sponsors are looking for more than just operational support from their CRO partners. They are seeking advisors who can help them navigate the increasingly complex clinical trial landscape and make strategic decisions that will impact the success of their products in the market.

The Future of CROs: A Hybrid Approach?

As the industry continues to evolve, it is likely that the future of CROs will involve a hybrid approach, combining elements of full-service offerings, FSP models, and strategic consulting. Sponsors will increasingly look for CRO partners who can offer flexible, customised solutions that meet their specific needs, whether that involves outsourcing a single function, engaging in strategic consulting, or a combination of both.

In this new landscape, CROs will need to adapt by investing in specialised expertise, developing strategic consulting capabilities, and offering flexible service models that can be tailored to the unique needs of each sponsor. Those who can successfully navigate this transition will be well-positioned to thrive in the competitive and rapidly changing world of clinical research.


The shift away from full-service CRO offerings towards FSP models and strategic consulting represents a significant transformation in the clinical research industry. Driven by the need for flexibility, cost-efficiency, and specialised expertise, sponsors are increasingly seeking CRO partners who can provide tailored solutions and strategic insights. As the industry continues to evolve, CROs will need to adapt to these changing demands, offering a hybrid approach that combines the best of all worlds. The future of clinical research will be defined by these new partnerships, paving the way for more efficient, effective, and innovative trials.


  1. Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD), “FSP Model Gains Traction as Sponsors Seek Specialised Services,” 2023.
  2. Outsourcing-Pharma, “How the FSP Model Is Changing the CRO Landscape,” March 2024.
  3. Clinical Leader, “Strategic Consulting in Clinical Trials: The Next Frontier for CROs,” January 2024.

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